Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wrong Jar, Acrylic on Panel, 12x18

Here’s a painting I submitted to the Modbo for their Fire Fire Flood show. I won’t know if it made it until the opening this Friday.

The theme of the show refers to the two wildfires and torrential rains we had here in Colorado Springs within the past 16 months. This is another painting that really pushed my skill boundaries. I’m trying to develop a personal vocabulary within my paintings focusing on still lifes, pattern, and color (and others that I’m still trying to figure out) and then applying it to the theme. At first I tried to create a reference photo by putting some kind of accelerant in the two jars and simultaneously pouring water into the third. I needed a big flame but was nervous about making it TOO big. I ended up using cotton balls dipped in Vaseline - it didn’t give me the flame I wanted, but it helped me visualize the reflections on the background and the wooden platform. I kind of made up the rest from there.

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